Standard for implementation

Link functions vs. data

The domain of Public Transport may be  described in terms of functions or functional areas. One of the problems related to the definition of a domain in terms of the functional areas is to be independent from the organisational aspects of Public Transport companies and from time aspects.

The functional areas defined in Transmodel can be understood as objectives of the system being defined.

Twenty eight (28) functional areas have been identified by Transmodel, as shown in the following table:

Not all functional areas have been studied during the development of Transmodel (shaded areas are outside the scope of Transmodel). For some of the studied functional areas the data necessary has been defined for all functions in such a functional area (Y). Some areas are only partly covered (P) by the data model, which means that all data are described for some of the functions only.

Transmodel area numberTransmodel area name
Covered by Transmodel
1Study passenger behaviour and determine the demand
2(Re)design the network
3Plan the service to be offered
4Define a fare policyP
5Plan detailed timetables
6Schedule vehicle blocksY
7Schedule driver dutiesY
8Prepare driver rostersY
9Manage driversY
10Manage vehiclesP
11Perform and control the driving processY
12Plan and organise passenger information
13Provide passenger information on the planned serviceY
14Provide passenger information on the actual serviceY
15Plan maintenance work
16Plan and process maintenance orders
17Control maintenance work
18Manage incidentsP
19Analyse maintenance actions
20Manage materialP
21Organise salesP
22Operate salesP
23Validate/check and chargeY
24Manage money transactions
25Manage statistical resultsP
26Manage personnelP
27Define marketing policy
28Improve and maintain the relation with the public

Table 1: Functional areas identified by Transmodel

Transmodel documentation provides indications as regards the functional coverage of each functional area.

Conceptual model vs. implementation

Transmodel describes the domain of public transport in terms of data structures for a range of functional areas in an implementation-independent way.

This means in particular, that Transmodel may be implemented as a data repository (data base, e. DDL schema) or used for the exchange of data (definition of a data exchange format, e.g. XML).  (See figure below, source NeTEx – 1).

Figure 1: UML model to XML

In any case, for the design of a data base or of a data exchange format, if intended to be derived from Transmodel, the steps are as follows: 

  • Retrieval of a submodel A (in UML) from Transmodel corresponding to a particular functional objective 
  • Decision as to the choice of a particular target implementation type (e.g. XML)
  • Design of a physical model corresponding to A and dedicated to a target implementation type (UML for XML implementation) 
  • Development of an XML schema. 

Currently, the standard implementations target an XML data exchange format.  

A cross reference between the Transmodel Parts (representing clusters of functional areas) and the implementation standards NeTEx, SIRI, OJP, OpRa is summarized below. 

Link Transmodel vs. derived standard implementations: Transmodel ecosystem 

The following table shows the interactions between Transmodel parts 1-10 (developed within SG4 of CEN TC278 WG3 ) and the Transmodel-based implementation standards developed as well within CEN TC278 WG3 subgroups (SG7 for SIRI, SG8 for OJP, SG9 for NeTEx, SG10 for OpRa). 

PartFunctional areaExchange Format
1Common ConceptsNeTEx
2Public Transport NetworkNeTEx
3Timing Information and Vehicle SchedulingNeTEx
4Operations Monitoring and ControlSIRI
5Fare ManagementNeTEx
6Passenger InformationSIRI
7Driver Management
8Management Information and StatisticsOpRa
9Informative Documentation
10Alternative ModesNeTEx

Table 2: The different parts of Transmodel and the linked standard

This figure shows Transmodel as the basis for a family of interoperable data standards, including National Standards. And a basis for the development and implementation of national standards.

Figure 2: Transmodel Ecosystem where National Standards are shown


SIRI is a CEN Technical Specification that provides a European interface standard for exchanging information about the planned, current or projected performance of real-time public transport operations between different computer systems.


NeTEx is a CEN Technical Specification for exchanging Public Transport schedules and related data. It is divided into several parts, each covering a functional subset of the CEN Transmodel for Public Transport Information:


OJP is a CEN Technical Specifcation which defines a schema for establishing an open API for Distributed Journey Planning that can be implemented by any local, regional or national journey planning system in order to exchange journey planning information with any other participating local, regional or national journey planning system. 


OpRa is an CEN initiative with main focus on the identification of Public Transport raw data to be exchanged, gathered and stored in order to support Study and Control of Pubic Transpoprt Service.

Links between the Transmodel documents and the implementation standards

In this table you can find the different links between the Transmodel published documents and the published parts of the implementation standards in the Transmodel eco-system. Each published document is linked to an official standard that can be identified by his CEN number.

Transmodel EN12896NeTEx SIRIOJPOpRaCoRom
Part 1: Common Concepts – EN 12896-1Public Transport Network topology (CEN TS 16614-1)
Part 2: Public Transport Network – EN 12896-2Public Transport Network topology (CEN TS 16614-1)
Part 3: Timing Information and Veh. Scheduling – EN 12896-3Scheduled Timetables (CEN TS 16614-2)
Part 4: Operations Monitoring and Control – EN 12896-4see SIRIContext and framework (EN 15531-1)
Communications infrastructure (EN 15531-2)
Functional service interfaces (EN 15531-3)
Functional service interfaces: Facility Monitoring (CEN TS 15531-4)
Functional service interfaces: Situation Exchange (CEN TS 15531-5)
Control Actions (CEN TS15531-6)
Part 5: Fare Management (Tarifs) – EN 12896-5Fare information (CEN TS 16614-3)
Part 5: Fare Management (Sales) – EN 12896-5project started 2023
Part 5: Fare Management (Validation&Control) – EN 12896-5
Part 6: Passenger Information – EN 12896-6see OJP & PI profilesOpen API for distributed journey planning CEN TS 17118
Part 7: Driver Management – EN 12896-7
Part 8: Management Information and Statistics – EN 12896-8see OpRaOperational Raw data and statistics exchange – (CEN TR TR17370:2019)
continuation started 2024
Part 9: informative documentation – TR 12896-9
Part 10: Alternative modes – EN 12896-10Alternative Modes API (CEN TS 16614-5)

NeTEx ProfilesSIRI Profiles
Part 4: European Passenger Information Profile (EPIP) CEN/TS 16614-4:2017Passenger Real Time Information European Profile (EPIP-RT) 15531-7
Part 6: European Passenger Accessibility Profile (EPIAP) CEN/TS 16614-6:2024
Part 7: European Fares Profile – ongoing

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