What is new in Transmodel?

a. Reorganisation of the model:

      • Integration into Part 1 (Common Concepts) of the additional common concepts which have already been published in the relevant documents.
      • These additional common concepts are now integrated into Transmodel- Part 1

b. Revision of the terminology​

      • Clarification of the terms: ​public transport, mode, mode of operation​
      • Consensus on definitions of rail-related terms with rail experts ​
      • Revision of Trip –related terms to reach consensus with OJP​

c. Alignment within the Transmodel eco-system​

In particular Transmodel – NeTEx / OJP​

d. Integration of most recent functional extensions (2020-2023) related to the following themes: ​

Sales/reservation: ​

        • Detailed Vehicle Deck representation to facilitate seat reservation, seat availability identification, navigation on –board vehicles;​
        • Enhancement of the sales/after sales & reservation processes (seat allocation, travel user preferences),​
        • Assistance booking service (information about how to book assistance for disabled users). ​

Rail operation:​

        • Revision of the model of compound vehicles (e.g. train composition); specification of permitted use of a vehicle entrance at a given stop for boarding and alighting for vehicle journeys;​
        • Charging equipment & plan: Vehicle charging equipment and charging plan for battery powered conventional public transport vehicles;​
        • Trip model alignment with OJP​

A clear definition of Public Transport Mode

Transmodel formalises the real-world objects’ meaning in terms of data description and relationships between data.

It is a semantic model.

Distinction between

TRAVEL MEANS: Physical means of movement, disregarding any ownership or operational aspects.


MODE: A broad characterisation of the means of movement and /or operational aspect in consideration

Transport mode in the Transmodel Model

The updated MMTIS Delegated Regulation (EU) 2024/490 and the Transmodel eco-system

DR MMTIS requires the publication of the dynamic & historic data (besides the static/planned information)​

Publication based on SIRI (dynamic info), OpRa (historic info) besides the NeTEx (static info) ​

      • alignment & coherence within the Transmodel eco-system​
Transmodel Ecosystem

News project in the Transmodel Ecosystem started in 2023

3-years project CoRoM: Coordination and standardization for Rail and Mobility​

      • Data interoperability check with UIC specifications ​
      • Recommendations for a ”Distribution API” ​

based on the study of several existing Apis​

​3 years project OpRA+​: registered raw data exchange​ glossary​