Standards harmonisation

The “harmonisation process” in the context of Transmodel involves other standards or specifications which either:  

      • overlap with Transmodel or  
      • have additional features which may constitute enhancements of Transmodel. 

The harmonisation work concerned the comparison and analysis of other standards or specifications with Transmodel over a period of time, with either 

      • resulting in modifications, being integrated into a number of different areas of Transmodel or  
      • proposals (elaborated with the standardisation groups in a revision period of the other standard) aiming at modifications of the other standard to gain compatibility with Transmodel. 

Examples of the integration into Transmodel of new requirements originating from other standards is presented in the paper “Transmodel Standards Harmonisation”. 

The process  of harmonisation is in most cases preceded by a comparison (mapping) described in Comparison or Conformity check. 

To sum up: 

In view of a harmonisation as in (1) above the following actions are undertaken: 

      • Revision of terminology, 
      • Identification of new specific functional enhancements, 
      • Extensions of Transmodel (new model parts) to incorporate the additional requirements without loss of compatibility with the existing model. 

In view of a harmonisation as in (2) above the following is undertaken: 

      • Identification of submodels (of both models) covering an equivalent functional scope, 
      • Mapping of terminology and semantics of the different concepts, 
      • Proposals addressed to the other standard/specification of a modified semantically equivalent submodel model (often without changes of terminology).